This Author Guideline is intended as a guide for authors in making manuscripts that will be sent to the editor, as well as a reference for editors and reviewers in evaluating manuscripts. Academics, researchers, and practitioners who intend to send their manuscripts to the Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Science are expected to follow these guidelines and Journal Templates.
- Articles submitted must be original and have not been published or submitted to other journals.;
- All works in the manuscript must not be plagiarized, falsified, or omit material Any form of plagiarism is not the responsibility of the publisher of the Journal of Islamic Banking and Financial Sciences;
- Follow the writing guidelines, templates and publication ethics of the Journal of Islamic Banking and Financial Sciences;
- Discussion is more dominant in writing, and the criteria for scientific writing must be: (a) Objective: based on factual conditions; (b) Up to date: Articles are the latest developments in science; (c) Rational: articles can be a forum for mutual criticism; (d) Quiet: not too demanding, honest, straightforward, and not personally motivated; (e) Effective and Efficient: Articles are a very interesting medium of communication, the accuracy of the research method, and in accordance with the writing guidelines of the Journal of Islamic Banking and Financial Sciences.;
- The title of the article should be interesting, new, clear and provide information related to the article, a maximum of 16 words with Cambria font size 20pt.;
- Articles are written in Indonesian or English with correct grammar.;
- Articles are accompanied by the author's name (without academic degree), affiliation, and correspondence with Cambria font with 12pt size. Attach the author's biodata complete with postal address, email and telephone number at the time of submission.;
- Articles are accompanied by keywords in Indonesian or English consisting of 5 words;
- The article is presented in several sections including: (a) Introduction; (b) Literature Review; (c) Research Methods; (d) Results; (e) Discussion; (f) Conclusions and Suggestions; (g) Bibliography.;
- Authors who wish to submit their articles must go through the OJS Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Science at by first doing the following registrasi;
Manuscript submissions to the Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Science can use OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF (.doc/.docx or .rtf) formats with the following conditions :
- Manuscripts must be written in Indonesian or English with correct grammar.;
- A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm): top margin 3 cm, bottom, left and right 2.5 cm;
- Generally, each paragraph is written using Cambria font with 11pt size. 1.5 spacing, 0 pt before and after spaces;
- The title of the manuscript is written using Cambria font size 20pt, bold, and using capital letters with a spacing of at least 14pt and the type of alignment used is aligned left.;
- The title of the table/table content, figure/diagram/graphic/chart/sketch, is written in Cambria font with 11pt size with 1 (single) space. The alignment type used is Align Left.;
- Bibliography, written in Cambria with 11pt size with 1 (single) space and the type of alignment used is left-right aligned (Justify).;
- Each first line of the paragraph starts after 1 cm (First Line 1 cm) from the left margin. The alignment type used is left-right aligned (Justify);
- To improve quality, articles must meet the criteria of a minimum of 4000 words and a maximum of 7,500 words or between 20 and 25 pages..
This article is written with the following systematic writing:
- Title. Titles should be as short as possible and reflect the content of the article as a whole, no more than 16 words, and may use common abbreviations. Titles may use more than one line with proper headings. The title is written in Cambria font size 20pt, bold, and capitalized with at least 14pt spacing and align left..
- Author Name. The author's name is written with the full name without titles or others and the use of real names without abbreviations. The author's name is written in Cambria font size 12pt, and the alignment type used is align left.
- Author affiliation. Affiliation is the address of the institution where the author works/studies. Affiliations that must be included in the text are Department and University / Institution. The author's affiliation is written in Cambria font size 12pt, and the alignment type used is align left..
- Correspondence addresses use the author's email address. Emails are written in 12pt Cambria font, and the alignment type used is align left..
- Abstract. Abstracts are written in Indonesian or English and should not contain formulas or references. The abstract should summarize the research objectives, research methods, results and conclusions. Abstracts are written in 1 paragraph and a maximum length of 250 words in Indonesian or English. The content of the abstract is written in accordance with the provisions of the Format and Systematics of Writing. While the title "Abstract" is written in capital letters, Cambria font size 11pt, and the type of alignment used is align left..
- Keywords. Each abstract must include Keywords. Keywords should be written in Indonesian or English, consisting of 3-5 keywords. Keywords contain the most important words in the article review. Keywords should avoid general terms and plural terms and multiple concepts. Keywords should be no more than 5 words or phrases in alphabetical order. The font used is Cambria font size 10pt, and the alignment type used is align left..
- Introduction. The content of the introduction is the issue, phenomenon, fundamental, or problem that underlies the writing of the article. the word "introduction" is written in capital letters, Bold, Cambria font with size 12pt and fill size 11 pt with 1.5 spacing and the type of alignment used is left-right aligned (Justify). If the text content is in English, use Introduction.
- Literature Review. the literature review contains a theoretical basis, namely a description of the theory used as support in discussing the results of research / research and also contains previous research and hypotheses. All references used in the literature review and the content of the article (used as citation sources) must be in the Bibliography (references). The word "Literature Review" is written in capital letters, Bold, Cambria font with size 12pt and fill size 11 pt with 1.5 spacing and the type of alignment used is left-right aligned (Justify). If the text content is in English, use Literature Review.
- Research Methods. The research method contains a series of work in conducting research, starting from how it is carried out, collecting data (samples), to analyzing the data. the word "Research Methods" is written in capital letters, Bold, Cambria font with size 12pt and fill size 11 pt with 1.5 spacing and the type of alignment used is left-right aligned (Justify). If the text content is in English, use Methodology.
- Results and Discussion. The content of the Results and Discussion is data that has been processed/analyzed using a predetermined method. Discussion reviews the results obtained in relation to the research problem. The author is allowed to compare it with existing concepts/theories in the literature review, describe new things found in the study, and/or discuss the research results in accordance with the problem sharply. The contents of the results and discussion include statements, tables, figures, diagrams, graphs, sketches, and so on. The words "Results and Discussion" are written in capital letters, Bold, Cambria font with size 12pt and fill size 11 pt with 1.5 spacing and the type of alignment used is left-right aligned (Justify). If the text content is in English, use Results and Discussion.
- Conclusion. The conclusion is a summary of the research that has been carried out, it should not repeat the results of the discussion. The content of the conclusion also includes research suggestions. The word "conclusion" is written in capital letters, Bold, Cambria font with size 12pt and fill size 11 pt with 1.5 spacing and alignment type used left-right alignment (Justify). If the text content is in English, use Conclusion.
- Bibliography. Bibliography (references) is a reference source / reference that is used as material for writing articles. The number of reference sources used as a bibliography is at least 15 titles of scientific literature and 75% of journals. Each reference is accompanied by a description that refers to a bibliography that is primary, current, and relevant. Reference sources (not bibliographies) should be from sources of the last 5-10 years and preferably from primary sources, in the form of books and articles in scientific journals or magazines. The word "Bibliography" is written in capital letters, Bold, Cambria font with 12pt size and 11 pt size content with 1 (single) space and the type of alignment used is left-right aligned (Justify). The bibliography must use mendeley with APA style (American Psychological Association) 7th edition. References should be presented alphabetically and chronologically and set to 11-pt Cambria font, with 1 space and hanging indents.